Ductless Air Conditioning In Atascadero, CA

Your Plan ‘Bee’ Cooling Option

No ducts in your home? No problem. For homes where central AC isn’t an option, we offer the plan “bee” cooling option you need: ductless air conditioning. This unit delivers direct cooling, making it the ideal solution for ductless rooms and add-on spaces!

At Bee Right There, we specialize in ductless AC installations, repairs and maintenance service in the Atascadero, CA, area. We’ll help you make the switch to this powerful and cost-efficient climate control solution—and keep it running for years to come!

The Un‘Bee’lievably Easy Way To Cool Your Ductless Home

Central AC is great. However, what if your home doesn’t have air ducts to accommodate this system? Or it would be too costly to add ductwork to your older home? As luck would “hive” it, a ductless AC unit is all you need to keep the Atascadero heat at bay!

Rather than relying on ductwork to circulate air, a ductless AC unit delivers direct air conditioning. And you’ll find a ductless system very advantageous with:
  • Significant energy savings: Ductwork consumes up to 30 percent of the energy used to cool your home and leads to significant energy waste. By eliminating ducts from the cooling equation, you’ll enjoy lower energy bills without sacrificing your comfort.
  • More control over your comfort: This system gives you greater management over your home’s indoor climate, allowing you to choose which rooms receive AC and which don’t.
  • Flexible installation options: This system is built with an outdoor condenser and an indoor air handler and can be mounted on the ceiling or the wall for flexible use of space.

Plus, with a ductless AC unit, you can create different zones to avoid cooling the whole house at once. For example, if the bedrooms are upstairs, you can set the upstairs temperature to a suitable sleeping temperature without worrying about the downstairs temperature until morning. This will help lower your energy cost.

How do ductless systems compare to window units? They blow them out of the water because they don’t require a window to be partially open, which can compromise your safety and make your home vulnerable to pest infestations. In addition, a ductless system can be placed almost anywhere in the room and can provide comfort year-round because it can be used for heat during the winter months.

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(805) 864-2276

Opt for Dependable Cooling You Can Stand ‘Bee’hind

Whether you’re looking to cool an added space in your home or you’re trying to gain greater control of your overall comfort, a ductless AC unit will do the trick!

If you decide on a ductless mini-split air conditioning system, our AC professionals can install it in about a day. We will assess your home to determine the best choice for your home, identify the number of units required and point out great installation locations.

Ready to experience this stress-free and budget-friendly cooling solution in your home? Give us a buzz at (805) 864-2276 or fill out our form today!